Daniel Jacob Cutler
Daniel Jacob Cutler
"The amateurs discuss tactics. The professionals discuss logistics." - Napoleon Bonaparte

It was Napoleon Bonaparte who said, "The amateurs discuss tactics. The professionals discuss logistics." Daniel was a professional.
Daniel Jacob Cutler, brother to Harris Cutler, was born on November 29, 1959 to Sarita and Philip Cutler. He graduated from The University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Architecture and Business.
During his brief but meaningful produce career, Daniel helped millions of people during The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 1986. Due to the nuclear fallout the fresh produce of Europe was contaminated. In the months following the disaster, Daniel along with his friend and mentor, Barry Prevor, were instrumental in providing hundreds of containers of fresh fruits to Europe.
Daniel’s enthusiasm, charm, focus on details, and passion for the produce industry were key to getting fruit production districts to supply the product for this superhuman effort. His work in Europe shall always be remembered.
As a child, Daniel was affectionately called “Sparky” because of the sparkle in his eyes. This sparkle caught the attention of everyone who knew and loved him.
Daniel Cutler passed away on November 15th, 1992 as a result of a tragic car accident.
In 1993, a new freight contracting company was created. The decision to name the company Sparky’s Transportation was a dedication to Daniel’s memory. The dedication is a fitting tribute to this visionary.
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